Laser and IPL for Vascular Disorders
(Virtual Worshop)
MCQ Examination will take place on 30 March 2024 (3PM-5PM) Venue: Academia Building, SGH, Seminar Room L1 S2 20 College Rd Singapore 169856
Please make sure that you will be able to attend the workshops and MCQ examinations on the stipulated dates (displayed in the programme) before you make your payment and confirm your registration. Any request for change in the assigned MCQ exam date/time will be subject to an adminstration fee of $20 per change requested.
If you miss your scheduled exam, it may take some time before a repeat exam will be conducted and you may not be accredited any COC.
Lasers and IPL for Vascular Disorders
Date | : |
17 March 2024 |
Time | : |
8.30 am to 12.30 pm |
Venue | : |
Virtual |
The course will give an overview of the various vascular conditions and their differential diagnosis to enable participants to make a decision on which conditions can be treated with lasers or light. Participants will also be taught on the choice of lasers for each condition. At the end of the course participants will have a good grasp of laser vessel interaction and can safety use lasers or light to treat some vsacular skin conditions. Sclerotherapy as an alternative treatment modality will also be discussed.
Workshop certificate is accredited by SMC Aesthetic Practice Oversight Committee as Certificate of Competence.(Pending)
Workshop lecturers, titles, date and venue are subject to change. The workshop will only proceed if there are at least 40 participants.