To provide comprehensive education on aesthetic dermatology for healthcare providers interested in aesthetic dermatology
To be the source of information on market needs for industry players in aesthetic dermatology
We are a group of dermatologists interested in the practice and teaching of aesthetic dermatology. Aesthetic dermatology is a rapidly expanding subspecialty catering to maintenance and improvement of various aspect of aesthetic skin conditions. Some common areas of aesthetic dermatology include basic and specialized skincare, treatment of various pigmentation problems, management of photoaging, treatment of acne scarring and hair disorders.
Our group of core teaching faculty is made up of four very experienced dermatologists, with a combined dermatological practice of almost 80 years!
All of us have been practicing aesthetic dermatology for many years, all have been involve in clinical research in various aspects of aesthetic dermatology and are considered pioneers in the practice of aesthetic dermatology in Singapore.
In recent years, we recognize that there is an increasing need and demand for information on aesthetic dermatology. The public is interested to know about the latest and most effective skincare and treatments to enhance their aesthetic well being, the health care providers wanting to learn about the latest techniques to incorporate into their practices and the industry players are constantly pushing out new products to the market. There is indeed a need for a bridge the link up the public, health care providers and the industry for various aspects of aesthetic dermatology.
With our wealth of experience, we believe that we can fulfill this need. Our core area of involvement in this very exciting field will be education of aesthetic dermatology. We will be conducting public forums for the public, courses and workshops for health care providers and industry. Through these activities, we hope to elevate the understanding and knowledge of aesthetic dermatology, bringing the practice to a higher level.